Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The two sides of my argument are Native Americans and the Federal Government.

Native Americans value ancestral land and resources, governing themselves, and making decisions for their people.

The Federal Government valued “civilizing” Native Americans during the Allotment and Assimilation Era (1870's to 1930's) and during Indian Reorganization (1930's to 1950's). During the Termination Period (1950's to 1960's), the federal government completely left the tribes to their own devices and the mercy of the states. Now, our government values self-government and tribal sovereignty during the Self-Determination Era (1960's to the present).

The economy of Native Americans is indistinguishable from the policy of the Federal Government. If tribal land and resources are taken away, then as a people, Native Americans are the poorest in the U.S. With government help, opportunities have arisen; such as tourism, selling arts and crafts, and Indian gaming. Some methods of federal government help are providing funding, establishing support programs, and classifying Native American tribes as “domestic dependent nations” so states cannot interfere with and control the tribes, then tribes can retain their sovereignty, tradition, and culture. With gaming, Native Americans control their profits and the profit’s distribution, control their own government through elections, and can make support programs for their tribes. Through the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, types of games have been classified, conditions on where and how games such as bingo can be played, and the amount of control states have over the gaming has been established. The National Indian Gaming Association was created in 1985 and represents organizations, tribes and business involved in Indian Gaming.


  1. Well this is good that Native Americans are now finally being able to have some type of revenue, because before the only thing Native Americans could really do was just have their reservations and try to live in peace. But now, they have the opportunity to get some money to support their tribes and to at least try to make their tribes flourish for years to come.

  2. I agree. Before self-determination it was nearly impossible for tribes to exist. The government would continue to take away their land, and ignoring all the treaties previously established with the tribes. Many people expected the Native Americans to die off as a result of their loss of land and inability to become "civilized". Not all tribes are self-sufficient, but some of those that are, are helping out those that are not. Next, I plan on exploring how the federal government has benefited from tribal sovereignty.

  3. With the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Native Americans can bring in a source of revenue for their tribes. But it is somewhat distressing that this is one of the ways for Native American tribes to bring in huge profits. It is sad how America has treated Native Americans in the past and how we ended up putting the tribes in a situation in which there was a bleak future socially and economically.

  4. Morally gaming is quite an issue. Gaming and smoke shops are not moral, however it is quite possible the only way for tribes to make money. Tribes can have gaming and smoke shops because they are not taxed, thus making them cheaper. Native American tribes are allowed to conduct gaming (such as bingo) in any state that does not prohibit the activity. If they wish to have casinos, then they need to enter into a special compact with the state government. http://www.nigc.gov/LawsRegulations/IndianGamingRegulatoryAct/tabid/605/Default.aspx#2703
